
Lift the gates

Lift the Gates (Healing Fire)"

The earth is Yours, the fullness too,

Mountains bow, oceans break through.

Clean hands rise, hearts renewed,

Your healing fire, pulling us through.

Lift the gates, lift the gates,

He is coming, He won’t wait.

Who is the King of Glory?

Strong and mighty in His fight!

Doors break wide to heal the story,

Light pours out to end the night.

Chains once held me, but now they fall,

Darkness trembles at His call.

Broken pieces, made anew,

Strength arises, fierce and true.

Highlands cry with harp in hand,

Victory reigns across this land.

The Spirit speaks, no voice can deny,

Hope ascends, where shadows lie.

Lift your head, oh weary soul,

The King has come to make you whole.

Rest in Him; you’re finally free,

The gates have opened; eternity.

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